5 Reasons Women Need Protein

5 Reasons Women Need Protein

There’s a rumor being spread about protein. You’ve heard it, I’ve heard it, everyone’s heard it. The rumor is that protein is only for bodybuilders and meatheads. It’s that if a woman eats too much protein, she’s going to become bulky and unattractive. Her muscles will be huge and she won’t be “feminine” any longer.

I don’t know who’s spreading this rumor, maybe it’s those rascals at Women’s Health Magazine? Here’s a little secret. The rumor isn’t true.

Protein is an essential nutrient for all humans. Yes, it aids in muscle development (which we’ll talk about later!), but it also serves many other functions. I’d wager to say most women aren’t eating enough protein and don’t even know what protein could do for them. They’re looking for other products to fill the role that protein could be playing in their health. Let’s look at the reasons why women want AND NEED to be consuming a proper amount of protein.

1. Building Lean Muscle

As we mentioned before, protein is important when it comes to building lean muscles. This doesn’t mean a woman who consumes protein will start to have huge biceps and shoulders – actually it could very well mean the contrary! Lean muscle will make a body look thin and toned. When you think of a “tight” and fit body, you are thinking of a body with lean muscle mass and very little fat surrounding it. The consumption of protein helps to build these muscles and make them stronger, NOT necessarily larger.

2. Weight Loss

Studies have shown that women who supplement with whey protein while dieting lose weight faster than those who don’t. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates or fats, which also means that it will make you feel more full for a longer period of time. This is helpful for women on a diet because it will help to reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. Furthermore, when women eat protein at every meal they are getting their calories from a source that will work for them in the way of building muscle, as opposed to consuming less nutritious food choices that are hurting them more than they are  helping them.

3. Healthier Nails, Skin, and Hair

Nails, skin, and hair are all made up of a protein called keratin. There are many keratin supplements on the market that have no more benefits than just simple protein consumption has. (Speaking of supplements… protein and ashwagandha our our favorites). Before spending money on a supplement to fix your nails, skin, and hair, try consuming adequate protein instead.

Actually, one of our favorite protein supplements Collagen is well-known for helping support healthy hair, skin, and nails.  We use collagen in our coffee every morning for added protein.

4. Fight Off Sickness

Whey protein consumption has been linked to higher levels of glutathione in the body. Glutathione is extremely important for the immune system to fight off infections and diseases. Many foods help to increase glutathione but adding a whey supplement to your diet is one of the easiest and healthiest ways to get more of it.

5. Stronger Bones

You want to continue to be able to do the things you love long into the future. As you age, bone strength becomes a very important factor in your everyday life. If you take an unexpected spill while hiking or on your bike, you want to know that you are durable enough to walk away without any major injuries! Bones are partially made out of protein, and there is also a huge correlation between muscle strength and bone strength. Getting ample protein will help to ensure your bones are healthy and strong!

How Much?

The official Recommended Daily Allowance for protein is .8 grams for every kilogram of bodyweight, but this number is actually a bit low if you are an athlete who is looking to gain strength. The real number largely depends on your goals. If you are training weights regularly and want to gain lean muscle, you can eat as much as 1 gram per pound of bodyweight on the high end. We recommend making sure you have a protein source at every meal (get some in your breakfast smoothies!), as well as a protein supplement as a snack at least 1 time per day. If you are currently below the .8 grams of protein per kilogram of bodyweight, bring it up to AT LEAST .8 to start, and then slowly build and see how you feel.

Final Thoughts

There are thousands of supplements on the market, most of which don't actually do anything. A protein supplement is proven to help you reach your protein levels, so we suggest finding one you enjoy the taste of. Another supplement (our specialty), ashwagandha, is proven to help you recover better, sleep better, and fight stress and anxiety. If you're going to spend money on supplements, we suggest only protein and ashwagandha to start.


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